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… I do not see, for I only merely see

Yet neither, it would seem, shall vision redeem me. I do not see beyond, within,

with, other, ever. I see only what presents itself (what makes itself present) to

vision, to this complex of nerve and cell and blood and tissue that is the human

eye. I do not see, for I only merely see.

Is it instead the camera, then, which truly sees? Does it see into, upon, around,

behind, beside, despite? Or do I deceive myself by such puerile hope, by such

quaint techno-romanticism [bei solch einer pintoresquischen Technikumsromantik].

These snapshots, postcards, anonymous mementos, these trifles of emulsion,

shadow, light: what do they see? How do they see what I merely see?

–Roberto Valaco, Notebooks (II, 3b, excerpt)

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